Saturday, December 29, 2007

HOLLER! with northern sun...

"I wept, not for the loneliness which would now be my lot amongst a people I had grown to love, but for the inexpressibly greater loneliness which modern man, having committed himself to becoming the ultimate stranger to his own planet, shall be doomed to carry into the silence of his final hour." -Farley Mowat

"We who are alive today can claim no such exculpation for our biocidal actions and their dire consequences. Modern man now has every opportunity to be aware of the complexity and inter-relationships of the living world. If ignorance is to serve as an excuse, then it can only be wilful, murderous ignorance." -Farley Mowat

"For the issue is greater than our freedom. The issue is our survival. We will, literally, not survive as a species is we do not take control of the reins of power and direct our government to a new path - a path which leads to sane appropriate technologies, to more creative and rewarding forms of employment, to non-polluting systems, to international nuclear disarmament, to the feeding of the world's hungry through the equitable sharing of resources - a path which leads us home." -Elizabeth May, 1982

"We are imprisoned by rational arguments. This is the part that hurts. You hear the most impassioned, eloquent arguments of all reduced down to nature's utility to man. Even the esthetic is a utility, Even the appeal to preserve nature for future generations is a utility. Leave it for future generations to utilize - that's what it boils down to. Somebody has to have the guts to fight for nature simply because we love it and can't live without it!" -John Livingston

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