Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stephen Harper Rapes Mother Earth!

We Canadians are letting this happen, we need to FIGHT this total devastation that is happening in Northern Alberta, called the TAR SANDS! I felt like strapping myself to the pipelines when i read about the atrocities happening in our own country...please read this carefully, you might need to take breaks, since it is pretty scary stuff. I will be starting a petition soon to demand that Canadians have a voice when it comes to such huge issues as this one. I think democracy is starting to really wane here in Canada, and I don't want just another Harper to come along every four years to make it even worse (think of the States!) please open this link and read The 48th issue of The Dominion, to get some knowledge on the what is happening in Fort McMurray, or as some are calling it, Fort McMoney...
Write a letter to the Federal Environment Minister John Baird right now, it is all set up for you HERE! Thank you!

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