Saturday, February 16, 2008


OTTAWA – The Green Party has criticized the Harper government's reinstatement of two anti-terrorism provisions from the Anti-Terrorism Act and warned that these measures may threaten fundamental Canadian values.

The investigative hearing provision allows a police officer to arrest someone and bring him or her before a judge to answer questions if the officer suspects that the person has knowledge of someone who is suspected of being involved in a terrorist activity. In addition, the preventive arrest provision allows a police officer to arrest someone without warrant if the officer suspects that the person is about to commit a terrorist attack.

These two measures were subject to a sunset clause which ensured that they would cease to apply unless they were extended by a resolution passed by both the House of Commons and the Senate.

"The government's primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of our communities," said Green Party leader Elizabeth May. "It is of great importance, however, that measures taken to protect the Canadian public from the threat of terrorism do not in turn threaten our fundamental rights as Canadians."

The Green Party is opposed to the investigative hearing and preventive arrest provisions for a number of reasons:

The provisions represent a substantial departure from Canadian legal traditions and their use may, over time, extend beyond terrorism offences to other offences within the Criminal Code;
No only does the obligation to give testimony seem to violate the right to remain silent, but the preventive arrest power is too broad because it can be based upon mere suspicion;
Because the provisions allow for arrests based upon suspected knowledge of others who are suspected of planning to commit offences, such provisions mean that those who volunteer information to the authorities could in turn find themselves subject to a preventive arrest or investigative hearing.
"We are wholly committed to ensuring the security of all Canadians and we will remain vigilant in our opposition to those who would threaten the safety of our communities," said Justice Critic Jared Giesbrecht. "However, we also believe what Canadians believe—true security will be gained from good governance and fair procedures that are administered according to the rule of law."

The safety of Canadians depends upon the effectiveness of our counter-terrorism and security laws. The Green Party views terrorism as an especially dangerous criminal offence. They are committed to ensuring our intelligence and law-enforcement agencies have adequate resources and the political leadership to deal effectively with these criminals.

"A responsible government will not sacrifice civil rights in the name of security. Doing so will actually open the door for greater injustice and insecurity," said Mr. Giesbrecht. "If our security policies are not consistent with the values of our society, they will serve to undermine the foundations of our society."
thanks to for the update!

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