Monday, March 10, 2008

Canada's Budget Supports Military Spending, Not The Needs of Candians

Here is some information I thought all Canadians would be interested in, since our Prime Minister has decided to use most of our budget on Military Spending, obviously the needs of we, the people of Canada, are not as important as the desire to kill others for monetary gain.
More to the budget than meets the eye: slashing environment while boosting militarism
OTTAWA – Green Party leader Elizabeth May today held a press conference to review unheralded aspects of the 2008 budget.
“Although many may see the budget as yesterday’s news, the initial view of the Green Party that we could not support this budget was reinforced with further study. In fact, this budget is not ‘do-nothing’. It is a budget militarizing Canada, obsessed with terrorist threats, while ignoring climate threats.
“How many Canadians are aware the 2008 Harper budget does the following?
*increase military spending by $12 billion over the next 20 years;
*spend $26 million to introduce biometric data into the visas of foreign nationals;
*place a priority on the Security and Prosperity Partnership;
*ignore cleaning up the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, but dedicate millions to guarding their perimeter?”
Ms. May said that the budget is a fraud in claims of increased environmental spending. In comparing total environment spending, as calculated by the Harper government, it would seem that spending had gone up, from $853 million (2005-2006) to $957 million (2008-2009). But in the section Ensuring a Cleaner, Healthier Environment, the largest amount of funding $300 million is for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, for its new design reactor and for the legacy problems at the Chalk River facility.
“Another unspecified amount lies in the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for CO2 pipelines, which is a subsidy to the production of oil,” said Ms. May. “CO2 is used in enhanced recovery of oil. Even without discounting the $229 million for carbon capture and storage research, once one removes nuclear and big oil subsidies, the amount for the environment drop to $657 million.”
Ms. May also highlighted the Harper government’s abandonment of the Speech from the Throne commitment to enhanced science for a fresh water strategy. The Speech from the Throne stated that “A new water strategy will be implemented to help clean up our major lakes and oceans” yet the Harper government failed to include steps to address this commitment in the budget.
“Another deeply troubling facet of the budget is that it has opened national parks to privatization,” said Ms. May
“The aggressive militarization and privatization agenda is deeply disturbing and the Green Party will draw attention to the Harper government’s true colours at every opportunity.”

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