Monday, March 17, 2008


These are the Canadians who have been murdered for Stephen Harper's interests, for Corporate interests, and for the interests of the United States government. We are committing murder by not speaking out, by keeping silent, by being apathetic, by supporting a system that supports war and murder. What happened to our compassion? Has money and our desire to have a stable job, blinded us from our brothers and sisters who are being murdered? We cannot let another young brother and sister die in the name of MONEY and GOVERNMENT GREED! Please, start a dialogue with those around you, we cannot support a system or government that is run by evil for evil of evil. The Canadian government that we have right now is not going to listen to us if we simply just go along with our safe, stable daily lives. We must fight this system that THREATENS OUR CHILDREN, OUR BROTHERS, OUR SISTERS, AND OUR MOTHER EARTH. ARE YOU GOING TO TRADE THAT ALL AWAY FOR YOUR SAFE STABLE LIFE? Let's start banding together NOW, and let us show them that WE ARE ABOVE THE SYSTEM. SUMMER OF CHANGE 2009 FESTIVAL, LET US UNITE!

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